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A lot of what the students in the 2004 class enjoyed definitely showed its age. Media forms such as the radio and the newspaper were mentioned.
While they all used the internet, the applications they used on the web were drastically different from what me and my peers put down. Some of the apps that the 2004 kids used was the instant messenger.
Many of them also quoted news channels such as Fox news or CNN as part of the shows they watched on TV. I think this starkly differs from the 2019 class where most use the internet as a medium for obtaining news.
A lot of them mentioned Dr.Shipman as a reason for taking Computers and New Media, while no one in our class mentioned Dr.Furuta as a reason for taking this class.
The favored gaming medium for the 2004 class was the xbox or the PS2, unlike our class which was either the Nintendo Switch or the PC.
Some other interesting things I noted were the common use of house telephones, which are pretty much unused in 2019. I assume Gmail was not invented yet at this time, as everyone used Messenger Outlook, and people listen to MP3s by pirating them (probably on Limewire) instead of using apps like Spotify or Apple Music,